Our Team
Due to our depth and knowledge of our staff and being one of the largest specialist marine surveying company in Australia we have surveyors travelling to all areas of Australia carrying out surveys and assisting insurers with claims assessing and management.
Marine Surveyor, Marine Surveying, Marine Consultancy, Pre-purchase Survey Inspections, Insurance Risk Evaluation Inspections, Bank Valuations, General Marine Consultancy, Expert Report Writing and Testimony, Marine Insurance Claim Assessing
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Our Team

Given the specialised trades required to survey any vessel, all Holmes Marine staff are Marine trade qualified including.

* Shipwrights

* Boat builders

* Marine Engineers

* Diesel Engine Technicians

* Petrol Engine Technicians.

* Vessel Masters.

Currently we have seven (7) surveyors based in Sydney, Fremantle and Melbourne.

Due to our depth and knowledge of our staff and being one of the largest specialist marine surveying company in Australia we have surveyors travelling to all areas of Australia and the Pacific regions carrying out surveys and assisting insurers with claims assessing and management.